The Spirit of Springfield
Second, it is helpful to state some of the things that Springfield enduringly has been, and presently is.
A charismatic congregation. That is, Springfield openly embraces, welcomes, and depends upon the fullness of the person, life, power, gifts, and ministry of the Holy Spirit.
We are a theologically conservative church. We believe that the bible speaks to all matters regarding this life and the life to come with complete authority, accuracy, and completeness lacking nothing. We believe that the bible is the living truth from God that is immutable and eternally trustworthy powerful, and life bringing.
We are fully evangelical in belief and practice. We believe that to be saved, one must believe that there is only one savior, Jesus the anointed son of God. One must reject evil, confess one's sins, ask for forgiveness, and depend upon the finished work of Jesus Christ i.e., His sinless life and sacrificial death for our sakes. We must genuinely ask for and fully accept Christ's forgiveness,and surrender our lives wholly to Him in the newness of His love, spirit, and rule.
We are a missional church. Each Tuesday, many come to the mission house to find hope in the form of food, prayer, clothing and household items at no cost. Many are blessed and many come to or renew their commitment to Jesus Christ.
We are an outreaching church. There is an outreach and missional ministry to Keaton House; a drug rehab and correction center. In various seasons, we have outreaches into our local community.
We are a church with a heart for and mission to the Jewish people. We believe that there is much to learn from our Hebraic roots and believe that there needs to be increasing spiritual solidarity between the Jewish people and the church for this time and the time to come.
We are a praising church. Very near the heart of Springfield is the desire to praise the Lord. Joyous praise in dance, banners, musical presentations, and, of course, unbridled praise and worship.
We are a praying church. There are several and varied expressions of prayer ministry here at Springfield including being host to House of Prayer Panama City.
We are a teaching church. We are blessed to have several gifted preachers and teachers in this body.
We are a congregation which openly loves the Lord and desires all the fullness of the things of God. This is reflected in an openness, transparency, and caring for one another. We are a church which desires to go after the Lord in every way.